Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy
Winters Technical Staffing is committed to conducting business in a manner that maintains a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors, visitors and customers. We will not tolerate behaviour from anyone that intimidates, threatens, harasses, abuses, injures or otherwise victimizes our employees and will take whatever steps are appropriate and reasonable to protect our employees from the potential risk associated with workplace violence and harassment.
Our Commitment
The management and supervisory staff of Winters Technical Staffing are committed to promoting a safe and healthy work environment by protecting our employees, visitors, contactors and customers from workplace violence and harassment.
The management and supervisory staff of Winters Technical Staffing will ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to minimize the risk to our employees, visitors, contactors and customers from violence and harassment. We will ensure our Employees and contractors are trained in recognizing and responding to situations involving violence and harassment.
Commitment To The Employees, Visitors, Contractors and Customers of Winters Technical Staffing
The management and staff will take all reasonable precautions to protect employees from workplace violence and harassment, and ensure that everybody working for or visiting our company or working on the premises of our clients, are aware of their rights and responsibilities as they relate to the prevention of workplace violence and harassment.
The management and staff will ensure incidents of workplace violence and harassment are investigated and that regular risk assessments are conducted to identify and control any identified risks related to workplace violence and harassment.
Commitment From Employees
It is the responsibility of each employee to be aware of and follow procedures that are in place to protect him or her from workplace violence and harassment.
Employees are required to immediately report all incidents of workplace violence and harassment to Management.
Employees will not be penalized, reprimanded or in any way criticized when acting in good faith by bringing forward a complaint or providing information regarding a complaint or incident of workplace violence and harassment.
Tuesday, January 1st, 2013